Sri Lanka & Maldives: Turkish Airlines Flights from Poland Starting at €441(Incl. Luggage)


Star Alliance member Turkish Airlines brings you decently priced flights between Poland, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. For as little as €353 (~PLN 1,527) you can reach the island paradise with a stop in Istanbul. The fare includes full board service, as well as a checked bag up to 23 kg.

You can find the following fares to Colombo, Sri Lanka:

While flights to the Maldives are available at:

Our availability calendar highlights all possible flight dates for less than €500 (~PLN 2,162) for trips up to 28 days. It will forward you to our flight search with your selected flight dates.


Boeing 737 or Airbus A320 family planes with a 3-3 seating pattern take you from Poland to Istanbul. Afterward, a Turkish Airlines A330 or Boeing 777-300ER hosts you on the longer journey Southeast. The A330 jets have a 2-4-2 seating pattern with personal entertainment in every seat back. The Boeing has a tighter 3-4-3 seating, but the IFE remains the same.

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According to the fare rules, tickets are on sale for this price until June 30, 2023 for travel between November 2023 and May 2024. A minimum stay of two days applies, the maximum stay is six months. Availabilities are already dwindling down fast.

Google Flights will show you additional flight dates. While online travel agencies offer the cheapest tickets, you can also book directly on Turkish Airlines website for approx. €40 more.

Why is booking with an airline better than with an online travel agency?

More often than not, online travel agencies offer lower fares than airlines do. We still recommend booking with the airlines directly. There are two main reasons for that:

Better Customer Service
In case any problems like delays, cancellations or missed connections arise, you can communicate directly with the airline. The airline has to take care of you because you have a contract with them.

If a travel agency issues your ticket, you may have to reach out to them first. You also depend on your OTA to forward information like flight changes instead of receiving them directly from the airline. In many cases, you may get a prime exhibition of responsibility shifting rather than problem-solving.

This especially applies to premium tickets. You don’t want to spend more than €1,000 to wind up with some budget OTA’s telephone hotline in case anything goes wrong.

Baggage and Other Fees
Economy fares not including hold luggage are industry standard by now. In most cases, travel agencies charge much higher baggage fees than the airlines themselves. If bags are not included in your fare, airlines are often the cheaper alternative.

This also applies to other things like food services, insurances or priority treatment. In almost all cases, you pay less for additional amenities when booking on the airlines’ website.


Turkish Airlines issues tickets in booking class U, a highly unattractive booking class. The cheapest ticket from Krakow to Colombo comes with the following mileage:

  • 2,450 Miles on Turkish Airlines Miles&Smiles
Data provided by Without guarantee on correctness.


The Maldives are famous for their paradise like luxury resorts while Sir Lanka offers much cheaper lodging options. Whichever category and hotel you opt for, make sure to get the best price! Our recommendation is searching on, or even on our own Travel-Dealz hotel search:

Cover Picture: Photo by Jailam Rashad on Unsplash

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