€86 German ICE Train Tickets Between Paris & Munich (€108 in 1st Class)

ICE Bahn Landschaft

German train operator Deutsche Bahn currently offers an interesting price for trains between Paris and Munich (and vice versa). You can travel between these cities for €86. A big benefit compared to flying is that you can bring as many bags on board as you can carry, and you can work while travelling. First class tickets are also cheap, starting at €108.

A big setback of these tickets is the short connection in Stuttgart or Mannheim. For this reason, we recommend checking the next train’s departure. DB will rebook you if you miss your connection. If your train is more than 20 minutes late, you can take any German train with your ticket. This does not apply to French trains like TGV.

Available dates (2nd class)

You can find available dates in this calendar at the lowest price for trips of up to 14 days. However, you’ll need to insert these dates in the search box below the calendars, which will forward you to DB’s website.

Available dates (1st class)

You can find available dates in this calendar at the lowest price for trips of up to 14 days. However, you’ll need to insert these dates in the search box below the calendars, which will forward you to DB’s website.

You can insert the dates you found above in this search form. You can switch directions by clicking the arrow. The form will forward you to DB’s website where you can book your journey.

db paris munich

ICE Routing & Experience

As mentioned above, you would need to transfer once. The cheapest tickets include a short stopover in Mannheim or Stuttgart. If you miss your connection because of a delay, DB will rebook you. If your train is delayed by more than 20 minutes, your ticket will be valid for other Gernan trains.

ICE stands for Intercity Express and is used for Germany’s high-speed railways. The Paris-Germany segment will be on ICE3MF. Seating in second class is 2-2 and first class has a 2-1 layout.

There is an onboard restaurant with acceptable prices. In first class, at-seat service is included in addition to unlimited Wi-Fi.

DB Bahn ICE erste klasse
A first class seat on ICE.
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Search & Book

These are Super Sparpreis (Supersaver) tickets. This means that the tickets are train-specific (except for delays as mentioned above) and not flexible. City-Tickets (tickets that include city transport in Germany) are not included. Lounge access for first class is not included.

You can check dates in our calendar and insert them into our search form. It will redirect you to DB’s website. Alternatively, you can also try Google Flights.

Cover Picture: 2182694 auf Pixabay

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