2 valid Offers to Vancouver


Vancouver is the largest metropolitan region in western Canada and a comparatively young city that has got a lot to offer! Stanley Park and Coal Harbour attract many visitors every year and Vancouver is also a great starting point if you want to explore the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

Best Time to Visit

Vancouver has one of the mildest climates of any major Canadian city. The winters (December to February) are very rainy, snow is – untypical for Canada – rare. The best weather for tourism is from late July to mid October, when the days are comparatively warm and dry.

Climate diagram for Vancouver, British Columbia (Source: WMO World Weather Information Service)

From the Airport to the City Center

The SkyTrain will take you to the city centre in about 25 minutes. A ride costs about 6€ (airport -> city) or 2,60€ (city -> airport). With a taxi you need just about half an hour at prices from 17€ to 20€.

Tip: Take a Seaplane Tour!

In many regions of Canada the seaplane is a common means of transport. Vancouver has its own seaplane terminal right at the Olympic Cauldron in the city centre. A short sightseeing flight (duration 20 minutes, of that approx. 10 minutes in flight) over Vancouver can be had for 95 Canadian dollars (approx. 62€). For 129 CAD (approx. 84€) there are longer flights with 20 minutes of air time which go all the way up to the North Shore Mountains. In addition, daily trips are offered e.g. to Victoria on Vancouver Island or one can also take part in the famous Mail Run. The largest seaplane operator at the Vancouver Harbour Flight Centre (IATA code: CXH) is Harbour Air. In addition, Seair Seaplanes also offers cheap sightseeing- and scheduled flights. Kenmore Air even flies between Vancouver and Seattle.
